Are there any fees associated with using your service ? If so, what are they and how are they charged ?

Are there any fees associated with using your service ? If so, what are they and how are they charged ?

Yes, fees are associated with the use of our service. These fees are transparent and do not vary depending on the recipient chosen.

Fees are generally related to the processing of a file, such as adding additional means of payment or requesting on-site intervention.
Typical fees may include an application fee, monthly or annual service fee, and fees for using specific features such as American Express card payments.

There are no direct predictions on transactions.

Fees are charged transparently in accordance with the terms of the contract with our company. Some fees may be collected periodically on a monthly or annual basis, while others may be charged based on the intervention or service requested.

We strongly recommend that our customers review our pricing literature or contact us directly for detailed information on fees associated with using our service.

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