How to activate meal vouchers, eco-vouchers, consumer vouchers and gift vouchers ?
Having multiple means of payment is a great way to attract a loyal customer and increase your sales. We are happy to help you enjoy these benefits. To accept good meals, expensive consumption, good gifts or eco cheques, please follow these steps:
1. Verify that your business meets the conditions to accept the desired means of payment.

You can check if you are eligible for the payment methods offered by Sodexo, Monizze and Edenred. To do this, please visit the following websites:
2. Fill out the online application forms by following the link below.
- Monizze
- Edenred
After the second step, you will find below the procedure to follow for each payment method.
Sodexo | Monizze | Edenred |
| Fill out the online form. You then receive codes to communicate to us to finalize the activation. | Fill out the online form. You then receive codes to communicate to us to finalize the activation. |
!!!!! The Sodexo form allows only the activation of expensive meals, and not other means of payment.
Finally, once we have received and processed your application, you will receive a confirmation of acceptance of each meals. You can then start accepting the little meals in your business.